[商品主貨號] U100606244
[代售商品編號] 101006900699
[ISBN-13碼] 9781616890186
[ISBN] 1616890185
[作者] Granet, Keith/ Gensler, M. Arthur, Jr. (FRW)
[出版社] Princeton Architectural Press
[出版日期] 2011-08-24
[內容簡介] (本項為出版商制式文字, 不論下文註明有無附件, 仍以本拍賣商品標題為準, 標題未註明有附件者一律均無) For near thirty years, consultant Keith Granet has helped design professionals advising designers and architects oneverything from billing to branding, from client management to marketing and licensing successfully run businessesthat allows them to pursue their passion for design and be profitable. The Business of Design: Balancing Creativity andProfitability collects the knowledge Granet has gathered during his years of experience guiding architects and interiordesigners and reveals the tools necessary to create and run a thriving design business. Inspired by Granet s own course on running a successful design practice he teaches at the University of California LosAngeles as well as his experience consulting over four hundred design firms, The Business of Design is organized intosix clear chapters interwoven with experiences and lessons from the author s own life that guide the reader from thefoundations of a design business, financial management, marketing and public relation, human resources, to projectmanagement. The last chapter on product management explores the trend in the design profession to developproducts. The book includes a foreword by M. Arthur Gensler as well as interviews with architects and designers,including Michael Graves, John Merrill, A. Eugene Kohn, Victoria Hagan, and Richard Meier, who have made their markon the profession to share with the reader the benefits of their experience as well as their take on the business ofdesign. The Business of Design debunks the myth that business sense and creative talent are mutually exclusive, andunlike other business books, it is written and illustrated to captivate a visually thinking audience.
[書況補充說明] 外皮磨損, 略有髒污、不介意才請下標,謝謝!
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